They’re our furry, funny friends who hold a place in our hearts (and ok, our beds ..) giving joy and
despair in equal measure as they live their (nine) best lives and carefree (doggo) years in this pet
paradise we call the Tweed Coast. Margaret Dekker catches up with just some of the pets and
‘pet people’ who make the Tweed a better place, for all creatures great and small.
Rhiannon Patel
Dog Walker & Trainer, Cabarita Beach
Hang on, is she walking .. 12 dogs?!
Rhi Patel is the Tweed Coast’s very own dog whisperer who literally walks the talk – and up to 80 dogs, solo, each week – on a local beach or bush track, and with purpose.
“I got into this work to show people dogs aren’t just a pet .. they’re a lifetime commitment. I feel I was born to teach people this and to help owners have a better connection with their animal.”
‘Rhi’s Paw Patrol’ runs dog walking, training and socialisation sessions for all breeds and temperaments from Caba to Kingscliff. Her Insta account brims with smiley, energised hounds .. and pics of her ‘big dogs,’ her 3 horses, where she finds another ‘tranquility.’
“I’ve always loved animals and when I moved to Australia from New Zealand, I realised I wanted to run my own business, especially with my background in rescues and training. What started off as walking a couple of dogs on the beach, became training as well.
Rhi’s specialised ‘pack walks’ in private, off-leash spaces, are for most dogs a whole new experience and mentality.
“I create a space where dogs can be dogs but with strict boundaries in place. I’m very precise and careful, it’s not a free for all. I do the work in prior training, before integrating them into groups. It’s actually a sight to see, me with all my dogs sitting down and socialised.
There are many dogs in Rhi’s life, but it’s her rottweiler, Kora Jayne, who fully has her heart.
“I feel like she is something or someone from my past who has come back to look after me .. I don’t believe in dogs needing to protect me in a guard way but in an emotional way, highs and lows, she’s been my rock just with her pure presence.”
So how do we do this at home, Rhi?
“Just be engaged with your dog. A dog doesn’t need an hour’s run to be tired, a 10-minute training session where they’re using their brain will be more exhausting. When you involve an activity to enrich its breed and genetics, that’s the best thing for it.”
“ .. But my main piece of advice is get a dog for your lifestyle, not the dog you simply want.”
Rhi’s Paw Patrol program is stretching its lead across the Coast, and is taking new clients – and their owners.
“Dog training never stops,” she smiled.
Naomi Conroy
Naomi Conroy puts it best; there’s a real ‘pet vibe’ here on the Tweed Coast!
This second-generation dog and cat groomer holds some pretty impressive credentials: Australian Groom Team, Sydney Dog Show Judge, specialist competition groomer, grooming teacher, vet nurse and now Australia’s first master pet aesthetician, marking a new era in pet beauty services.
“We’re trying to create a new wellness experience for pets that derives wholly from high-quality, natural ingredients, like from the Iv San Bernard product range where we’re seeing phenomenal results,” Naomi explains.
“It’s big. We take a more mindful approach, treating each animal as an individual and using natural oils, proteins, minerals, nutrients, collagen or our unique Ozone hydro-massage services. This enhances the natural shedding processes of skin and hair, which sees less allergies and congestion in the coat, making it shinier and healthier.”
“We’re healing the animal from the outside, in.”
Naomi notes certain ‘coastal challenges’ for local pets include extra dry skin, dust mites, various bug bites and fungal issues from pollen, which can see further irritations and secondary infections.
Naomi’s also busy mum to her two human children and fur-mum to her Bichon Frisé Mila, (an Australian
Champion, no less!)
“ .. Just giving a client back their dog and seeing their teared-up faces when their dog looks, feels and smells amazing .. when they schmoozh its happy face, I think ‘yes! I’ve done my job.’ The job satisfaction is very high.”
Naomi Conway runs ‘Kings Pet Spa’ and distributes Iv San Bernard products. She also co-owns ‘Groomer Nation’ for specialist competition grooming services and education.
Glen Waddell
Mild-mannered chef and barista Glenn Waddell is perhaps best recognised behind the counter at 2 Brothers Café Bar and Grill in Potty.
But come knock off time, he heads straight into .. the pack, of his four doting heelers, Orbit, Zena, Zephyr and Boof.
“I get home and they’re excited .. we come down here to the beach and they’ll just go! But they’re very loyal, they’re just wonderful.”
A former breeder, Glenn says Australian Cattle Dogs are, as the name suggests, resilient to Aussie conditions and clearly are happiest on .. the Tweed Coast!
“They’ve just been amazing dogs .. they give me love, protection – for my two daughters, it’s an amazing experience.”
Dr Merridie Fury
Tweed Coast Vet, Cabarita Beach
Next year marks 30 years of Dr Merridie Fury caring for local pets and horses as owner of Tweed Coast Vet.
She’s a much loved and widely-recognised leader in our local ‘animal kingdom.’ If anyone is qualified to speak on Tweed Coast pets, it’s Dr Merridie, who describes our local four-legged friends – and our feathered and scaley friends too – as simply, “Adorable!”
As for Tweed Coast pet owners? “Devoted!” she smiles.
Dr Fury warns paralysis ticks are an annual danger in this area, with tick season starting already in July. She encourages owners to be vigilant with coat checks and to watch for any unusual behaviour, including heavy breathing and weak hind legs.
“It’s only the female adult paralysis tick that causes any problem, they can be anywhere but the first place you look is around the head and neck, that’s where you find most ticks,”
“Make sure you’re on preventatives, don’t wait to find a tick because it’s usually too late .. and the preventatives do work,” Dr Fury said.
“Snakes are also a significant threat. Remember to be vigilant during outdoor activities and if you suspect your pet has been bitten, seek immediate veterinary care.”
Dr Merridie Fury should know.
Sonia Trichter
Friends of the Pound, Bilambil Heights
When talking about contribution to pets of the Tweed, Sonia Trichter needs no introduction. A 14-year volunteer with Friends of the Pound Tweed Heads, 10-years as its president, Sonia modestly estimates she’s saved “probably 3 to 4-thousand cats” and countless dogs from certain death.
“Why do I do it? Well I guess I have a good work ethic, I am a stayer, and I believe in what I’m doing, I believe in the organisation and I believe in making a difference to these animals’ lives.
This year, Sonia won a Tweed Shire Council Local Achievement award for her efforts.
“We endeavour to do our best for the animals in our community, cats, dogs and now rabbits, and we also try to help the people who own those animals. There’s a lot of hardship at the moment and we’re here for them, we do what we can.”
Fundamental to the organisation are its husbandry, desexing and re-homing programs, which all need money, time and human support to run.
“We need volunteers, cattery volunteers, dog walkers, someone who loves animals for starters, there’s no point coming in here if you don’t!” Sonia laughs.
Tireless crew – in lime green polos – ensure the cats get daily food, a clean cage and a cuddle until they find their furever home.
“I try to make a difference, and I think if everybody made a difference in our community, it’d be a really good community. There’s always someone needing a helping hand and an animal needing help.”
It’s only when recalling the old corner kiosk in the former 100% Pets store near Bunnings (with just 2 cat cages at the counter) to now, standing in FOTP’s own dedicated building in the Industrial Estate – complete with 12 state-of-the-art cat cubicles and 16 condominiums – that Sonia becomes a little emotional, from the memories, and perhaps the heavy lifting over this great time.
“Yes, very proud. I’ve met some very special cats along the way, they come and they go, but if they go to a lovely home, I’m happy.”
Friends of the Pound relies on adoptions of dogs and cats, public donations, various successful grants, sales of discounted pet food, animal accessories, and clothing from the Pre-loved Boutique at its Corporation Circuit outlet.
Their current fundraiser can be found at
Margi Dekker, Potty cat lady. I found my ‘Prince’ 12 years ago in a case of love at fur’st sight in that very same 100% Pets store, with Sonia Trichter as our witness. As anyone who knows me knows, Princie (pictured) is the furry love of my life, and my constant. I am the slogan: Love me, Love my cat. For when I look into his fixated eyes and he swishes his tail and purrs without even a pat, even I have no words. For how does one truly describe mutual love? Only a pet owner knows the feeling.
Get in touch with Margi by emailing her at